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Dive deep into Quoli's analytics to make the most out of your customer reviews.

Updated over a week ago

Your Analytics page provides a dashboard overview of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to user engagement and revenue generated through user-generated content (UGC) reviews and ratings.

The specific metrics displayed on the page are listed below:

  • Overall Performance: This section likely summarizes key metrics such as the total number of visitors, revenue generated, and revenue share.

  • Engagement: This section displays metrics related to user interaction with product reviews, such as the percentage of visitors who viewed photos and videos or the average time spent on reviews.

  • Conversion Rate: This section displays the percentage of visitors who converted into paying customers after viewing UGC content.

  • Top Reviewed Products: This section showcases the products with the most reviews.

  • Rating Breakdown: This section provides a breakdown of product ratings by star rating (e.g., 5-star, 4-star, etc.).

  • Top Keywords: This section displays the most common keywords used in customer reviews for products.

  • Questions & Answers: This section shows user-submitted questions about products and the corresponding answers provided by Quoli or other users.

Review Requests Sent

This metric shows the total number of review requests that have been sent to customers.


This metric shows the number of review requests that have been successfully delivered to customers. This metric is a subset of the ‘Review requests sent’ metric and takes into account factors like invalid email addresses or delivery errors.


This metric shows the number of customers who have opened the review request email. This metric is a subset of the ‘Delivered’ metric and indicates customer engagement with the review request.

Clicked (CTR)

This metric shows the click-through rate (CTR) for the review request email. It is calculated as the number of customers who clicked on a link in the email divided by the number of customers who opened the email. A higher CTR indicates that your review request emails are compelling and that customers are interested in leaving reviews.

Review Requests Scheduled

This metric shows the number of upcoming review requests that have been scheduled to be sent to customers.

Pending Orders

This metric shows the number of orders that have been placed but for which a review request has not yet been sent.

Reviews Collected

This metric shows the total number of reviews that have been collected from customers.

Photos & Videos

This metric shows the number of photos and videos that have been submitted with reviews.

Review Submission rate

Understanding the Review Submission Date Graph

This graph shows the trend in review submissions over a specific period. The x-axis represents the dates, while the y-axis indicates the percentage of reviews submitted on those dates.

Here's a breakdown of the information displayed:

  • Dates: The x-axis displays the dates over which review submissions are tracked.

  • Review Submission Rate: The y-axis shows the number of reviews submitted on a particular date. Higher values on the y-axis indicate a higher number of reviews submitted on that date compared to others in the timeframe.

This graph helps you understand how many reviews were submitted each day within the timeframe. By analyzing trends and potential influencing factors, you can gain insights into user behavior and potentially identify areas for improvement in your review collection process.


Percentage of visitors who engaged with Quoli widgets.

Conversion Rate

Percentage of visitors who converted after engaging with a Quoli widget.

  • Average order value: AOV of customers that engaged with a Quoli widget.

  • Orders generated: Total number of orders generated after interacting with a Quoli widget or via discount codes.

  • Average time spent: Average amount of time customers spend interacting with Quoli widgets.

Revenue by Quoli

Total amount of revenue generated from discount codes, widgets, and referrals.

  • Revenue from discounts: Total amount of revenue generated from discount codes.

  • Revenue from widgets: Total amount of revenue generated from orders after engaging with a Quoli widget.

  • Revenue from referrals: (Coming Soon)

Rating breakdown by stars

Percentage of reviews for each star rating (1-5 stars). It provides a quick visual overview of your product reviews.

Reviews breakdown by channels

Percentage of reviews collected via automated email requests. Emails are a great way to reach out to a large audience and encourage them to leave reviews post-purchase.

Most reviewed products

Products with the highest number of reviews. It shows you which products are generating the most customer interest and feedback.

Top keywords in reviews

Our machine learning tools analyze the text of your customer reviews to identify the most frequently used keywords.

Top searches in widgets

Analyze the most frequent search queries within your Quoli review widgets.

Top Customers by reviews

Discover your top fans with the most reviews on your store.

Questions & Answers

Quoli's 'Q&A' analytics provides comprehensive insights into customer inquiries on your store.

Utilize these analytics to enhance your customer service, improve response times, and ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Questions received

Total number of questions submitted by visitors/customers about products using Quoli's PDP widget.

Questions answered

Total number of questions answered by either store owners or other customers/visitors.

Questions unanswered

Total number of unanswered questions.

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